Industrial Cybersecurity

Industrial CyberSecurity

Industrial cybersecurity is the protection of industrial control systems (ICS) from unauthorized access, disruption, or destruction. ICS are used to control and monitor physical processes, such as those found in manufacturing plants, power plants, and water treatment facilities.

Key features

Find out more about our extensive experience serving over a thousand industrial enterprises worldwide, through industry-specific case studies in the following industries: Power Grid, Plants, and Utilities; Oil, Gas, and Chemicals; Minerals, Metals, and Mining; High-profile Manufacturing; Logistics and Transportation.

Industrial cybersecurity is important for several reasons:

  • Protect critical infrastructure: ICS are essential for the operation of critical infrastructure, such as power grids, water treatment facilities, and manufacturing plants. A cyberattack on an ICS could disrupt or damage critical infrastructure, leading to widespread outages and economic losses.
  • Protect national security: ICS are also used in military and defense applications. A cyberattack on an ICS could compromise national security by disrupting military operations or critical infrastructure.
  • Protect intellectual property: ICS often contain valuable intellectual property, such as trade secrets and proprietary processes. A cyberattack could steal this intellectual property, giving competitors an unfair advantage.

Protect human safety: ICS are often used to control hazardous processes, such as those found in chemical plants and oil refineries. A cyberattack on an ICS could cause a hazardous process to malfunction, leading to injuries or death.

Get in touch

If you'd like to find out how to protect your business from complex cybersecurity attacks, with the most tested, most awarded product on the market, please contact us